A granular insecticide effective in the control of Fall Armyworm and Maize Stalk Borer in sorghum and maize. Applies by hand into the funnel of plants when signs of infestation are seen. Must be applied prior to tasseling. Suitable for small and large scale farmers.
Effective Against
For Use On
Main Countries Of Use

- Fall Armyworm
- Maize Stalk Borer
- Maize
- Sorghum
- Botswana
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Tanzania
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe

A liquid contact and stomach insecticide for the effective control of Fall Armyworm and Maize Stalk Borer in maize, sorghum, wheat, barley and rice. Suitable for application by a knapsack sprayer or tractor boom sprayer.
- Fall Armyworm
- Maize Stalk Borer
- Maize
- Sorghum
- Wheat
- Barley
- Rice
- Mozambique
- Tanzania
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe

A non-selective herbicide with some systemic action for the control of broadleaf and grass weeds in apples, pears, citrus, orchards, vines, cotton, maize and coffee. Also suitable for use in non-crop and industrial areas. It is a water soluble liquid. Effective against over 25 varieties of grass and weed.
Broadleaf weeds, Grass weeds, including: Sabi Morning Glory, Gallant Soldier, Red Garden Sorrel, Black Jack, Purple Nutsedge, Water grass, Bengal Wandering Jew, Guinea Grass, Herringbone Grass, Pigweed, Apple of Peru, Dwarf Marigold, Shamva Grass, Upright Starbur, Red Top, Burgrass, Couch Grass, Spindlepod, Silver Spike, Silver Spinach, Cats tail drop seed, Paspalum, Crab Finger, Rapoko Grass, Mexican Clover, Khaki Weed
- Orchards
- Vines
- Cotton
- Maize
- Coffee
- Zimbabwe